Hello! This time, it's all about fitness. Yes, that's right, fitness. To be honest, I'm not a fan of fitness, exercising, sport, none of it. Zilch. No thank you, sir. I hated PE in school, I detested it. I sat on the grass watching the rest of the guys play football or whatever. I just hated it. It didn't interest me in the slightest. Except for rugby during later in school, I don't know, I just sort of got into it. But I'm not a fan of fitness and exercise. But I want that to change. (Bear with...) I want to get into fitness, the gym, exercise, lose weight more. So, with my new blog, I thought why not write a fitness diary? It could be fun. And also, it gives me an excuse to write something...
The gym. I've been what... three times now? Probably three times and at first I walked into this big room with big machines with big men showing off with their big muscles. It was awful. It's like I entered a completely different world and in a sense, I did. I instantly formed a close connection with the rowing machine. What a great machine! I love it. It's the only thing that grabbed my attention for longer than two seconds. Even more so than the exercise bikes with TV screens. Let's talk about that for a moment shall we? Exercise bikes with TV screens. It's just like being at home - TV, sitting down but it's not though is it? At home, you sit down at front of the TV, probably carrying huge amount of snacks, you sit comfortably, you don't pedal, you don't sweat all over your body (except you're wearing a onesie, yes, a onesie and it's boiling). So, yes, exercise bikes with TV screens: just like at home but sweatier. But I did enjoy watching Tipping Point while pedaling, it was fun. The treadmill on the other hand... where do I start? What buttons do I press? Do I go too fast? Slow? In the middle? Or do I up the speed when the person next to me on the treadmill goes faster than me? What do I do? Oh, okay, I'll just up the speed in the best way that I see fit. No problem. None whatsoever. It took me a while for me to understand the treadmill, more than it should have probably. I didn't like it so I went back to the rowing machine. I love it.
Do you know what I find admirable? Old people at the gym. What a sight! I walked in and there was this seventy-something woman on the cross trainer and she was in such a good shape. She had the full outfit - a neon leotard, purple headband, pink sweatbands. Yes, she looked like she just came from a really camp musical or a really camp 80's fancy dress party. But she was having the time off her life, she was going for it at full speed. More than I could have. I was more impressed that there is a place for you to put your bottle in! Probably best to use water, a smoothie, or why the hell not, a protein shake. What the hell, you're into this fitness malarkey, you might as well go full out.
So, yes, gyms... not my best thing to be honest but it's a lot better after your first time. It is. It's big and scary and really uncomfortable at first but later on, you'll be fine. You'll be watching Tipping Point with more and more sweat and that bit closer to getting that killer body for your holiday.
Other than the gym, I bought a skipping rope and other bits and bobs clothing wise. Isn't there a lot of great fitness clothes? The patterns, the colours, the trainers... shame about the weighty price though. Really? They say that there is a massive problem with obesity, more and more people overweight and they need to exercise and go to the gym, but how when a pair, just A PAIR of shorts cost £20? Or a pair of running leggings cost £30?! How? This fitness malarkey is a lot off money. It is. But yes, anyway, I bought a skipping rope. Over many years, I have been told that I am a great skipper. Thanks mum! But yeah, even I say that I'm pretty good with a skipping rope. I love it. It's fun. It's pretty easy and I can go really fast and can make people dizzy. Hurrah! So, yes, if gyms are not your thing, go for a skipping rope. Can't go wrong. Just don't do it inside and break a precious family heirloom or something. Yep, go outside. If it's raining, just stick a Davina McCall DVD on and you'll be fine.
So, that's it for my fitness diary number one! Hopefully, I can stick at it and I can also write about it. I want to try new things; perhaps a class? God, maybe not. A walk? Maybe. A run? Maybe. Actually, I've always loved the idea of running: running through the countryside with your earphones, in your really colourful (and expensive) sport gear. You see, the idea off it sounds absolutely great but in reality? Let's see how it goes yeah? So, I'll grab my bottle of water, my new workout clothes and let's get fitter shall we? Yeah we shall. And no, I'm not wearing a camp outfit from a musical. Or a really camp 80's fancy dress costume.*
That's all for now...
*Only at a really camp 80's party or a really camp musical is that acceptable.
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