Sunday, 28 December 2014

Just a quick hello...

Hello! I'm Corey and I've been in and out off the blogging world for many, many, many years. But like most things nowadays, I forget about it and I don't write on it. It's just like an old book you've had for Christmas that you don't like from your Auntie; collecting dust over dust. But I want to write something, just to write something. I write scripts, I write short stories, but most of all, obviously, I write. Now, with a new year approaching, a new me shall emerge, a blog-writing me, even. Well, hopefully.

So, hello. Welcome to my blog. This is a place where I'd write something - it may be my thoughts about something, for example: buses, perhaps. It maybe reviews, may that be TV, books, music, movies or whatever. Basically, I will write. So, I think it's best that you get to know a bit about me. I'm Corey, I'm seventeen, I'm from Wales, I'm studying English Language and Literature, History and Government and Politics at college. My career ambitions is to be a journalist writing reviews about TV shows, interviewing the stars of those TV shows or to write for TV drama. If you haven't already guessed,  I'm a huge fan of TV. I love it - it brings everyone together, it unites the family and friends and it can make people smile, laugh, cry, rant, it can infuriate people. But what's the harm in that? So, yeah, I love TV. My favourite shows include: Doctor Who, Miranda, Sherlock, Game of Thrones, Gogglebox (I actually, seriously LOVE this show, I'm watching it with a big smile on my face!), to name but a few. So, TV - done. I'm not a massive music buff, I'm clueless. A classic comes on and everyone is all: "Ooh, I love this song! Come on, dance!" and then there's me... sitting there, asking: "What is this song again? I haven't heard it in ages!" Pretending that I do know the song but I don't  know the song. You get me? So, yeah, music isn't my forte, so to speak. But really the important things that you need to know about me when you read my blog are that I'm Corey and I like to write. Always have done. As a kid, I would sit on the floor in my Nan's little flat, on the floor surrounded by paper and pens and pencils and imagination. Stories about monsters, aliens (as can probably seen by Doctor Who love), so yeah, hello, I'm Corey. I like to write.

Welcome to my blog.

Hopefully I'll get to write some more this coming year.

Got to dash, I'm watching the new Last Tango in Halifax.

So, I'll leave it at that for now.


(PS: you can follow me on Twitter - @coreyterrett and if you are young and hip, follow me on Instagram - @coreyterrettoh ... as you can see, I'm very original).

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